/s/, /ʃ/; /z/, /ʒ/ minimal pairs


/s/, /ʃ/ minimal pairs

/s/ and /ʃ/ are voiceless fricatives that occur proximal to each other. For /s/, the tip of the tongue is close to the alveolar ridge. For /ʃ/, the center of the tongue is close to the palatal region. /ʃ/ is produced with a much more rounded mouth than /s/.

sea she

seat sheet

see she

sock shock

boss bosh

bass bash

gust gushed

save shave

seal she’ll

so show

sore sure

sort short

fist fished

gas gash

plus plush

puss push

rust rushed

seed she’d

seek chic

seen sheen

sell shell

sew show

sign shine

single shingle

sit shit

son shun

sun shun

ass ash

crass crash

crust crushed

mass mash

mess mesh

moss mosh

sack shack

said shed

sake shake

sale shale

same shame

sank shank

scene sheen 

seep sheep

seize she’s

sigh shy

sin shin

sip ship

sop shop

sue shoe

sag shag

sail shale

sass sash

sear sheer

sift shift

sill shill

sine shine

sod shod

/z/, /ʒ/ minimal pairs

There are few pairs with the /z/ /ʒ/ distinction. 

Caesar seizure

composer composure

loses luges

ruses rouges 

bays beige

rues rouge

lose luge
