/ʃ/ and /ʒ/ minimal pairs


/ʃ/ and /ʒ/ minimal pairs

There are not many minimal pairs of /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ 

Confucian confusion 

mesher measure 

Asher azure 

dilution delusion

/ʃ/ and /Ʒ/ sentences

These sentences have /ʃ/ sounds: 

I feel anxious about the abortion issue.

Sugar is shipped to Russia.

She used tissue for her fashion magazine. 

I wash dishes.

These sentences have /Ʒ/ sounds:

The luxurious massage was pleasurable.

To avoid confusion, an unusual financial disclosure was made.

Watching television cannot be a leisure time activity. 

My final decision is to dress casually. 

These sentences have both /ʃ/ and /Ʒ/ sounds.

I go fishing occasionally.

He ushered the star with pleasure.

You should measure the fish for the shelf.

Confucian is an ancient Asian ideology.

You should make a decision without confusion.

Asher shared his treasures.
