/ʒ/, /ʤ/ minimal pairs
Very few word pairs exist for the /ʒ/ and /ʤ/ distinction;
lesion legion
version virgin
pleasure pledger
/ʃ/, tʃ/ minimal pairs
shan't chant
sheet cheat
share chair
sherry cherry
shoe chew
shat chat
she's cheese
shooed chewed
shatter chatter
shilling chilling
shop chop
sheaf chief
shin chin
shopper chopper
shear cheer
ship chip
shore chore
sheep cheap
shit chit
shuck chuck
shore chore
washer watcher
bash batch
Bosch botch
bush butch
cache catch
cash catch
chic cheek
crush crutch
dish ditch
hash hatch
hush hutch
lash latch
leash leach
leash leech
marsh march
mash match
racial Rachel
wash watch
/ʤ/, /z/ minimal pairs
/ʤ/ is an explosive sound that is the voiced version of /ʧ/. It is impossible to extend /ʤ/ for very long. /z/ is a smooth fricative sound that is the voiced version of /s/. /z/ can be extended as long as you like.
page pays
cage Ks
siege sees
stage stays
wage ways
barge bars
change chains
charge chars
forge fours
fridge frizz
Jew zoo
siege Cs
binge bins
rage raise
rage rays
siege seize
strange strains
tinge tins
budge buzz
fudge fuzz
gauge gaze
jest zest
jig zig
purge purrs
singe sins
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