/s/, /θ/ minimal pairs

Now we compare /s/ and /z/ with similar sounding /θ/ and /ð/. The sounds /s/ and /θ/ can sound similar since both are fricatives and unvoiced. But /s/ is an alveolar consonant, and /θ/ is an interdental consonant. 

(not recorded: IGNORE!)We examine minimal pair words with /s/ and /θ/. The following word pairs begin with/s/ and /θ/: 

sing thing

sick thick

sink think

sought thought

saw thaw

seem theme

seam theme

some thumb

song thong

sigh thigh

sin thin

sum thumb

sank thank

suds thuds

sump thump

symbol thimble

The following minimal pair words end with /s/ and /θ/:  

face faith

force fourth

gross growth

kiss Kith

mass math

miss myth

moss moth

mouse mouth

pass path

piss pith

purse Perth

race wraith

tense tenth

truce truth

use youth

worse worth

/ð/, /z/ minimal pairs

The sounds /ð/ and /z/ are fricatives and voiced. They differ in placement. One is interdental and the other is alveolar. These are minimal pairs:

then Zen

clothe close

clothing closing

sheathe she's

teethe Ts

teething teasing

bathe bays

breathe breeze

lithe lies

loathe lows

scythe size

seethe Cs

seethe seas

lathe laze

soothe sues

tithe ties

/s/, /z/, /θ/, and /ð/ sentences

These are sentences with /s/, /z/, /θ/, and /ð/ 

There are six thick thistle sticks. 

Is this your sister's sixth birthday? 

Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

This is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly.

Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.

