These are minimal pairs of /k/ and /g/.
/k/, /g/ minimal pairs
came game
card guard
class glass
cold gold
could good
cave gave
clean glean
cot got
crate great
crease Greece
cap gap
cash gash
coast ghost
coat goat
come gum
con gone
crab grab
cram gram
creek Greek
crepe grape
crew grew
croup group
crow grow
curly girly
cut gut
kill gill
cane gain
clad glad
clamour glamour
clue glue
cod god
crane grain
crease grease
creed greed
crime grime
krill grill
cape gape
core gore
crate grate
crowned ground
crumble grumble
cunning gunning
curd gird
cussed gust
kale gale
In the following pairs, /k/ and /g/ appear at the end of the words. When this happens it can be hard to hear which phoneme is used. The vowel length is the key. The vowel sound is longer with the voiced /g/ than with the voiceless /k/.
back bag
pick pig
clock clog
dock dog
duck dug
frock frog
muck mug
block blog
brick brig
buck bug
crack crag
jock jog
lack lag
leak league
lock log
luck lug
pluck plug
rack rag
sack sag
smock smog
snack snag
tack tag
chuck chug
flock flog
hack hag
hock hog
jack jag
knack nag
puck pug
shack shag
snuck snug
stack stag
tuck tug
whack wag
wick wig
/k/, /g/ sentences
These are sentences with /k/ and /g/.
The dog in the jacket can lick the girl on the back.
Kick the big green ball.
The big cake cooled in the kitchen.
The school chorus will sneak in a pig for the Queen of England.
Get a clean fork from the sink.
Please be quiet so I can ask you a quick question.
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