Diphthongs: /eɪ/, /aɪ/ & /ɔɪ/
A diphthong is a combination of two adjacent vowel sounds that occur as a nucleus of a syllable. Since they are two vowel sounds, diphthongs are represented by two vowel symbols. For this reason, diphthongs are different from a composite vowel sound like /ju/ in cue and few. Here the vowel sound starts with the semivowel /j/ and then moves into the vowel /u/. Since composite vowels are composed of a semivowel and a vowel, they can be viewed as being composed of an onset and a nucleus. But diphthongs are fully contained in the syllable nucleus.
There are five diphthongs in standard American English. They can be divided into two groups based on the final vowel sound, /ɪ/ or /ʊ/. Those ending with /ɪ/ are /eɪ/, /aɪ/ & /ɔɪ/, and those that end with /ʊ/ are /aʊ/ and /oʊ/.
The production of a diphthong is easy since all you need to do is to start from one vowel sound and then glide into another vowel sound. So for example, for /eɪ/, you begin with /e/ sound and then glide into /ɪ/ sound, and for /aɪ/, you begin with /a/ sound and then glide into /ɪ/ sound, and so on. In this section, we learn diphthongs that end with /ɪ/, and in the next section, we examine diphthongs that end with /ʊ/.
/eɪ/ words
These are words with the sound /eɪ/:
with “a”:
able, ache, age, ancient, bathe, blame, brake, cake, case, date, escape, face, fade, game, gate, gaze, lake, late, major, male, make, name, pale, place, plate, range, sale, same, sane, snake, spade, stake, state, take, tale, trace, whale
with “ai”:
aid, aim, brain, chain, claim, detail, explain, fail, gain, hail, jail, main, paid, plain, praise, rail, rain, raise, remain, retail, sail, snail, Spain, stain, straight, tail, train, trait, wait, wave
with “ay”:
day, delay, essay, display, pay, pray, play, say, stay, today, tray, way
with “eigh”:
weigh, weighed, weight
with “au”
‘Gauge’ is also pronounced with /eɪ/
/eɪ/ homophones
These are homophones:
brake - break
grate - great
male - mail
plane - plain
rain - reign
sail - sale
steak - stake
tale - tail
wave - waive
waste - waist
Wales - whales
weigh - way
weight - wait
weighed - wade
/ɛ/, /eɪ/ minimal pairs
bet, bait
bell, bail
chest chased
debt, date
edge age
fell fail
gel, jail
gems James
get, gate
hell, hail
led laid
let late
Mel, mail
men main
met, mate
pell, pail
pen pain
pepper paper
quell, quail
red, raid
sell, sail
shell, shale
Snell, snail
sped spade
test taste
tell tale
well, wail
well whale
west waste
wet, wait
when, wane
wren, rain
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