Diphthongs /aʊ/ and /oʊ/
In this section we learn diphthongs that end with /ʊ/, which are just two: /aʊ/ and /oʊ/ . /aʊ/ starts with /a/, and then glides into /ʊ/, and /oʊ/ starts with /o/, and then glides into /ʊ/.
/aʊ/ words
/aʊ/ begins with /a/, and then glides into /ʊ/. Some common words with /aʊ/ include the following:
with "ou":
about, account, amount, announce, around, background, blouse, bound, boundary, cloud, compound, council, counsel, count, county, discount, doubt, encounter, flounder, foul, found, founder, ground, house, loud, mount, mountain, mouse, mouth, noun, out, outcome, output, pound, profound, proud, round, scout, shout, sound, south, surround, thousand, trout
with "ow":
allow, bow, brow, brown, browse, clown, cow, crowd, crown, down, drown, eyebrow, frown, how, now, owl, powder, towel, town, vowel, wow
/aʊər/ words
These are words with r-colored vowel /aʊər/.
with “our”:
flour, hour, our, sour
with “owar” or “ower“:
coward, flower, power, shower, tower
/aʊ/ sentences
These are sentences with words with /aʊ/.
They will announce the winner.
I need a new bank account.
That is a nice blouse.
I saw a mouse in the kitchen.
Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan.
There are more than a thousand languages.
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