/b/, /v/ minimal pairs


/b/, /v/ minimal pairs

/b/ and /v/ can sound similar since they occur in a proximal place and both are voiced. /b/ is a bilabial voiced stop, and /v/ is a labio-dental voiced fricative. Since /b/ is a stop sound, there is a sudden release of air, and the extension of the sound is impossible. By contrast, with /v/, we can continue the sound, “vvvvvv….” 

berry very

ban van

bat vat

beer veer

boat vote

bowl vole

serb serve

best vest

bet vet

bowels vowels

bale veil

bent vent

bury very

bow vow

bane vein

bat vat

beer veer

bid vid

bile vile

biz viz

bolt volt

bowl vole

broom vroom

curb curve

dribble drivel

dub dove

jibe jive

lobes loaves

rebel revel

verb verve

 /b/, /v/ sentences

The berry was very sweet.

To choose the name of the boat, they decided to vote.

The vet likes to bet.

The president bowed to the people and vowed to protect the constitution.

The bile tastes vile.

I saw the rebel revel.

The truck with beer veered off the road. 

He drove too fast through the curve and went up on the curb.
