Alveolar plosives /t/ and /d/
/t/ and /d/ are alveolar plosives since the sounds are produced at the alveolar ridge. /t/ is unvoiced and is the counterpart to the voiced /d/. The tongue is the tool to block all the air. The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge and the sides of the tongue press against the upper side teeth. In this way, air is briefly prevented from leaving the vocal tract. The sound is aspirated when the air is released. The aspiration for /t/ is greater when it is the first sound of a word or the first sound of a stressed syllable. An initial /t/ or /d/ is much easier to recognize than a final /t/ or /d/.
/t/, /d/ minimal pairs
These are /t/ and /d/ minimal pairs, where the phoneme comes at the beginning of the word.
town down
two do
tie die
touch Dutch
train drain
try dry
tear dare
tear dear
ten den
tide dyed
tongue dung
tart dart
teal deal
team deem
tech deck
teen dean
tent dent
tide died
tin din
tire dire
tomb doom
tough duff
tout doubt
tower dour
tuck duck
tyre dire
tale dale
tamp damp
tell dell
tick Dick
tier deer
tusk dusk
/t/, /d/ minimal pairs for pre-fortis clipping
These are /t/ and /d/ minimal pairs where the phonemes come at the end of the words. Notice that the vowel sound is longer with /d/ because it is voiced. In English, the duration of vowel length is shorter before a voiceless consonant and longer when they come before voiced consonants. This phenomenon is called pre-fortis clipping. The term ‘fortis’ amounts to voiceless sound and ‘clipping’ means shortening. So, ‘pre-fortis clipping’ means shortening of vowel sound before voiceless consonants. For example, the vowel in bad /bæd/ is longer than the vowel in bat /bæt/.
bat bad
beat bead
bent bend
bright bride
but bud
cat cad
cute queued
debt dead
got god
hat had
write ride
ant and
at add
bet bed
cart card
eight aid
feet feed
flout flawed
height hide
heart hard
hit hid
hurt heard
kit kid
mat mad
meant mend
neat need
not nod
pat pad
pot pod
plate played
sat sad
sent send
set said
site sighed
spent spend
wait weighed
slight slide
stunt stunned
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